There were 3 main topics covered by the webinar – student visas and the latest from Home Affairs and the overseas Embassies about how to cover the Genuine Temporary Entry requirement (GTE), skilled migration versus employer sponsorship and regional migration, as well as the latest changes to the 485 graduate visa for international students.
There was a lot to cover in a short time and all were in agreement that there’ll be more such webinars in the future with the opportunity to ask more questions and get into more detail about these topics and more.
The GTE is always an interesting one, especially as ISEAA is actually advocating to government to remove it. It’s an outdated requirement, particularly with the Strategy for International Education 2021 to 2030 presented late last year by the then government which highlights the joining of education and immigration outcomes to make Australia an even more attractive study destination for international students. So then why make students demonstrate that they are going to go home after studies? Surely the most important factor is if they are going to genuinely study. The Department of Home Affairs have requested decision ready applications, noting that detail is of the utmost importance including the value of the course to the applicant’s future, as well as detailed knowledge of the course they are going to study.
Next we discussed skilled migration v employer sponsorship, including in regional areas. Is it really necessary for a carpenter to move from Melbourne to Adelaide for example to study, in order to obtain permanent residence? The resounding response was no! It’s not. Look at job prospects in each state not just the occupations list. There is a limited number of state sponsorship opportunities for points tested skilled migration, and some states even ask for 3 years or more of previous work experience in the occupation. If you don’t have previous work experience or a qualification in your own country, it may not be worthwhile considering the move, if you could obtain permanent residence through employer sponsorship in your job where you already are. That said, there are many states encouraging applicants to study and live there in order to be eligible to apply for skilled migration. If your occupation is on a list and you have experience and a relevant qualification in your own country, it may well be worthwhile looking at studying in that area. Each migration case is entirely unique and individual so it’s important to get the right migration advice from the outset.
This is particularly true when it comes to the latest changes to the 485 graduate work visa. This is the visa that allows students to apply for rights to work full-time without needing to study once they have completed the relevant two years of study. Between 1 July 2022 and 30 June 2023, this visa will no longer require a skills assessment or an occupation from the MLTSSL, the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills list. What this means is that you just need to satisfy the Australian study requirement, in other words, have 2 years of relevant studies in any area. However, beware – the 2 years of studies must be either a Diploma and Advanced Diploma worth 92 academic weeks, or a combination of a trade certificate and a Diploma. A cert IV that is not a nested part of a Diploma in Business, for example, will not satisfy the requirement. Moreover be very careful as the 485 visa can only be granted once. So if you are looking for opportunities to apply for permanent residence in the future, you need to find the right time to apply for the 485 visa. Just because you can apply for it now, does not mean you should. Again, seek expert migration advice and plan your strategy from the start.
All this and more was discussed and we look forward to the next opportunity to present to our members and non-members in due course! Note that the next time there may be a small charge for non-members, so do consider applying for membership of ISEAA now! Special offer still on for a limited time only.
This article was written by Melanie Macfarlane - ISEAA's Board Member (MARN 0319166)